Reut Shefer Bar
Analyst for Enterprise Application, Knowledge Management and Analytics

Reut joined STKI during 2021.
Reut has an academic background in Industrial Engineering, as well as Senior board member Certification, and two MBA’s: Finance and Economics from University of Haifa and Data Science Analytics from Tel Aviv University
Reut has 15 years of experience in global companies, IT, data and continuous improvement is some of her specialties. Reut covers Enterprise Application, Knowledge Management and Analytics, with significant experience in cross organizations process, finance, operations, logistics, and board of directors.
Reut has an academic background in Industrial Engineering (Technion) and Social Studies (University of Haifa), as well as Senior Board Member Certification, and two MBA’s:
MBA #1 - finance and Economics (University of Haifa - 2017)
MBA #2 - Data Science Analytics (Tel Aviv University - 2021).
Who I am
What I cover
Enterprise Applications - ERP, SCM…
WCM – Web Content Management
ECM - Enterprise Content Management, KM
HCM, HR and work environment
EX - Employee Experience
QA and Testing technologies and software
Call Center
Productivity Tools